According to Stanford law professor Dr. Lawrence Lessig, the U.S. government is prepared to react to an online version of 9/11 with a digital equivalent to the Patriot Act, i.e. locking down the Internet.
He likens this to a post i9/11 future, one where our online rights and privacy will face unprecendented scrutiny by government. You can watch part of his talk at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in California where he made the comments below.
This message mirrors part of the thesis proposed by author and Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain in his new book “The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It.” In it, Zittrain argues that we’re on the path to Internet lockdown thanks to a combination of proprietary devices and malicious intent. You can read my colleague Naumi’s review here.
There’s some great discussions and ranting taking place about this pretty much everywhere so I’ll pass on the summary of what’s being said and instead pose two questions: what constitutes an i-9/11 attack, and what would such an act allow that isn’t already being done today?